How To Make A Neighborhood Flyer - For Realtors
Mar 16, 2023
Agent Renovation is here to provide you with new templates and winning strategies for getting the job done so that you don't need trial and error. Because we know that resources are tight in real estate, and the better you leverage the resources meaning your time, energy and money, the quicker you win, especially at the door.
In today's blog post, I will share the new door-knocking flyer I've created for a new city I've never even door-knocked in. And I want to share this with you and the templates, how I created them and why you might want to make one just like it. Let me help you make your real estate easier. Before we begin, why I'm knocking in a new area? Let's start by reviewing the different pieces of material I'm dropping off at homeowners' stores in this package. So let's look at the different pieces. In this package. We have three pieces, but there are four; you have the postage, which is our no pads for this. They come with the community sticker that we love to use for everything you do. I rotate which community sticker I support at any time, depending on where I'm knocking. For this one, I've chosen beautiful, the smoothie bar of everyone's choice in my city. It's everyone's favorite. So it's always a winner. So that's technically two pieces of material.
You've got your poster now, or you know, CAD plus your community sticker. After that, you've got your business card, the business card, one that should match your photo. Everything used to hand out should look the same as every other marketing material you have. You can see that this photo is located truly everywhere it works. And that's why we do it. Remember, real estate is not a business to reinvent the wheel. Real estate is where you do what has always worked because that's how it works. So next, we're going to look at the new flyer.
Now I've called this a market update. But it's not. This is a lead magnet, a call-to-action lead magnet, which will make people call me. It's also going to attract them to me. I think you guys know that although I love door-knocking. I do not like chasing, and I go door to door to provide value. And then, at that point, I let the clients be attracted to me. I don't chase them out the door.
I provide value, and I let the ones I'm the right match choose me. So here it's called a market update. And I have provided much value. Everybody wants to know what their neighbor is selling for everybody wants to know what their neighbors are doing. That's just human nature. You'll also notice right here I've actually called out the neighborhood. So on the very top, Ambleside and underneath are two sub-areas, aka zones of a region. They're both in West Vancouver. And I have put them here instead of the word West Vancouver because if you were in Chicago and said this fire is for Chicago, who cares? If someone asks you what real estate is doing, you must respond where what neighborhood real estate is local meaning to each neighborhood.
You can't have a general stat flyer for the entire city that will be of no purpose and have no value to most people you will interact with. Instead, call your audience out. If your audience lives in Ambleside and has done Deray, it should say Ambleside in Denver and not the city name, go with the neighborhood name and call them out. So when the person receives this, they go, Oh, I live in Ambleside and wonder what's happening in Ambleside. And they're going to be more engaged with your flyer right away. Now this one's unique. We have something coming to Vancouver right now, which is called a cooling-off period. All you need to know if you don't leave my city is that we have a new regulatory law that will govern how real estate is happening here in our city. If you have any regulatory changes in your city, you can replicate this similarly. Your call to action does not need to be the same as mine.
You could use any bylaw change, any infrastructure change in your city, and any change you can come up with. For us, there is a huge change coming at this current moment in Vancouver is about to do something insane I would say quite insane. They are getting rid of blind sitting leaning; everybody will see what everyone else is reading in the house. Such a radical idea. I have no idea what's going to happen in our market. But that is a big change people want to know about now. So here are my flyer. You don't see me saying there's a cooling off period and cooling off period means this, and no blind bidding means best. And with this, these rules will come into place, and with this, you'll have this amount of days. I'm not giving any information away. Why would I want them to call me? So I'm leaving a fire that says Do you have any questions about the regulatory changes? What is a cooling-off period? Number two, how many days does a buyer have to change their mind? And number three, is blind bidding a thing of the past? I put questions here instead of the information because I have just triggered my prospect to think about these issues. They will look at this and be like, blind bidding thing of the past; what's blind bidding? What's coming? And they're going to say, Cool and not scared.
Let's call him out, period. How long are they calling off? For? What is this? whose role is this? My phone is going to begin to ring. Nobody would call me if I put all the information about these changes here. If you want people to call you, you have to rephrase the information you're providing so that they contact you. Please don't give away all your best everything read on your flyer and leave it at their door. Why would they even call you? There's no purpose; you've already told them everything. So please give them a reason to get in contact with you. On the back here. You can also see that you have my photo again, one more time because overkill works up here.
I have done a CALL FOR FREE HOME evaluation. How much is my homework? Now that I have singled out the areas again, I have called my audience out. I have put four comparable for different properties that are similar enough to the client I want to attract. Whatever you hand out, whomever you market to, you will get more. I don't want to make luxury homes right now. Not with the condition of our market. I also don't want to do condos right now. I want to stick in what I call entry-level in West Vancouver, the three tough kinds of early fours, maybe four and a half million, something under 6 million. That would be where I would like to get my price points for listings. For that reason, I have selected homes that would attract similar people because they will see these homes and say, Well, that one's like my home, and they trust her. So if they trust her, all trust her. Now this trust thing, it's a funny question that's about to come out because these are not my soul.
I am knocking in a new neighborhood I've never been to. It's not in my city. It's not the city My office is in, and I went to my brokerage and asked them to provide new comparable from our office. So if you don't have listings where you want to go door-knocking, that's not a problem. It would help if you moved back to your leverage game in leverage game. If you haven't heard our podcast, we have a full podcast of highly leveraged resources on trading your time and energy for money and vice versa or trading ideas for money. In this case, I had traded with my brokerage to leverage their listings, I had to print this myself, and this was all provided to me by my broker Genesis and cost mentor that works, so make sure to check with your regulatory board that you include all disclosures you need if you are advertising anyone else's listing also make sure that you have permission from the person and or the office depending on the rules in your city.
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