It's Not Enough to Set a Revenue Goal, You Must Work For It
An Important Note about Taking Action
Most people don't get the money they desire because they set goals but don’t take action. They set a goal and then just expect it to show up. They don’t demand it happen by taking action.
Most people operate on autopilot. They go with what is within easy reach. They accept what is in front of them. They don’t stretch themselves to reach their goals. They want things but don’t want to do the work. The truth is, most people are lazy. They don’t put in any real effort to reach their goals.
Whatever you expect, you get more of that. When you expect to get what is already in front of you, that is all you will get. You must raise your expectations. Expect that action will take you to your goals. Raise your expectations to goals beyond your easy reach.
It all boils down to this:
You have to go after what you want. When you want to meet your goals, DO NOT just accept what comes to you. You will never reach your goals that way.
Your goal should be something that is not already in front of you. And you should not expect it to suddenly appear in front of you. It won’t. You must consistently show up and do the work AND GO AFTER IT.
Taking action steps is the only way to arrive at your goal. You need to take steps to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. To reach your goals, you must start taking action. Build your plan and then take action on it. Period.
So my question for you is, ARE YOU going to put in the work and take action? It’s not enough to just set goals. You can’t just speculate and plan. Success in your real estate career requires that you take regular action steps towards your goals.
Keep propelling yourself forward in the game with action steps. When you reach a goal, don’t settle. Set another! Never stop leveling up.
Don’t forget to download the goal setting worksheet mentioned earlier in this video. And before you move on to the next video, I encourage you to take time to do the action mindset exercise I’ve included here.
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