When To Use A Traditional CRM
Jun 08, 2023I’ve been talking so much about my visual CRM, you might be wondering…do you still need a digital CRM? The answer is yes.
You’ll always need to use a Digital CRM. A Visual CRM does not replace a traditional CRM. It supplements it.
Remember, real estate is a long game. And in real estate, there's a BIG difference between what you're currently working on and what you're going to be working on. You're always collecting data in the game. That is why a digital CRM is very important. Your digital CRM is for your long game data.
You use your digital CRM to record everything else. If it’s not your hottest lead, use your digital CRM. If it’s a detail other than address, phone number of house price, use your digital CRM. Your digital CRM is for all the little details. Your visual CRM cannot keep track of all the finer details. For example, you cannot write details like your client's birthday or dog's name on your map. Record these in your digital CRM. You’re collecting a lot of information. All of this information is worth keeping AND you need a place for it.
Bottom line is this. Only hot leads end up on your map. Everything else lands in your digital CRM.
Remember in the last videos when I told you don’t want your pipeline full of leads that aren’t moving? Using a digital CRM at the same time as a visual CRM also helps with that. It keeps your leads separated and tracked in the right places.
You don’t want to have your board full of your leads. You know you are getting way more names than you are going to convert right away.
A Digital CRM also helps you sort long term leads. A prospect might tell you they are interested in moving in a couple years. Put this information into your computer and set your system to send them a message in two years. You can send them current home results at that time. All of this can be set and automated. Create a search alert and keep these alerts as tight as possible. You don't want to send any junk messages and waste your prospects' time. You also don’t waste your time on follow-ups before they’re ready to turn over.
Another purpose of the digital CRM is to keep your time more productive. If you’re not careful in your setup, you can lose time in your game on this admin work. You want to use this time on more profit-producing activities. I’ve seen too many agents get bogged down by poorly run CRMs.
Use your Digital CRM for Your Outgoing Communications:
Digital CRMs are great for automating your long-term communications strategy. You can set your communication frequency and customize your messages. You can base the messages on the information you’ve collected in the CRM. When you do this, you can manage your long term leads without missing a beat.
Remember, you never want to let your leads drop off even when working them is a long game. Automating your outgoing communication keeps them connected to you over the long run.
How should you get started with a Digital CRM?
Do not try to create your own digital CRM. Do not try to keep a basic Excel document. Do not start sending out random emails without a well set up system. This is a chaotic approach that will not support your long game. It is cumbersome and there is too much room for error, especially as your data grows. If your aim is to become a top producer, do it right. In the very beginning, invest in a professional digital CRM. You can find my favorite CRM system in the course resources.
A digital CRM provides you with many custom options for better communication. You can send things such as holiday and birthday cards and integrate other automations that help with relationship building and longer-term closes.
Here’s something else to consider. Your first CRM does not need to be over-complicated. You just need to get one in play.
Now for this course’s last ACTION STEP:
Choose a CRM and set it up! Check out my favorite CRM in the course resources.
When should you set up a traditional CRM? Right away!
Once you choose the CRM that’s best for you, take time right away to set it up properly. Don’t let those hard earned leads get lost.
The sooner you set your CRM up, the easier it will be. I know, it can seem like a daunting task for an established agent with an established pipeline. Do it anyway! Do not avoid this step. The longer you put it off, the larger the job becomes. It’s much easier to maintain and sustain your CRM than it is to set it up. When it is set up well, it only takes you a few minutes every day to enter a new lead or details. You won't avoid doing this once your system’s set up. You avoid doing data entry work when you allow it to back up.
Pro Tip: Outsource!
If you know you are the type of person who is never good at keeping up with data entry, admit your weakness and outsource this task from day one. Hire an assistant to keep your leads up to date for you. You won’t regret it!
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