Who is the Competition?
Apr 14, 2023This is your game. And you are the most important character in your game. You are the only one you are competing against. Your game is you vs. you. However, there will be others appearing in your game.
It’s important to know that because your real estate game is yours, the intention is not to 'beat' others. Inevitably, you will rise above others whenever you move to your next level. However, even when rising above others, you are not competing with or against them. It's really important that you don’t look at the real estate game as a battlefield. You are leveling up, and doing what you need to do to become the best agent in your personal game. That’s it. If you look around and see others behind you, or who are still at the beginning of their game, it’s simply a sign that you are moving along in yours. Don’t worry about them. They’re in their personal game. Even if they appear around you in your game, they’re not having the same experiences as you are in your game. They have their personal lessons and levels. Interacting with them may teach you lessons as well but their game is still theirs and your game remains yours. It’s all part of the process. And it’s not personal.
To be a winner in your personal real estate game, you must decide to keep your energy focused on yourself. You are either working on your personal real estate career or you are using up your energy competing with others. You cannot create your own career if you are focusing on spectating and comparing. Keep your focus set on leveling up and creating wins in your personal game.
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