Your Appearance

appearance/clothing outfit signature clothing styles signature look standing out unique style May 12, 2023

Next, you need to think about your Appearance/Clothing

You want to make your lead want to have a conversation with you. Use your first impression to your advantage. Your outfit is actually part of your strategy. I’m not trying to be superficial here. I’m just giving you the facts of the game. And your appearance does contribute to whether someone will open the door or not.

You also want to stand out.  

People in my area know me as the agent with long blonde hair. This has been my staple look for decades. So, ask yourself, how can you develop a signature look while knocking in your area? 

Some agents accomplish this by dressing in a unique style. There are some famous knockers who love to wear bright colors or signature clothing styles. As you’ve noticed, I’m almost always wearing a shirt or dress with a collar. This is my signature style. Everyone in my area knows it. It also matches my bus stop. When I am out knocking or working in my area, I am in character as a real estate agent. It confirms for people who see me around that yes, it is me! If other agents are knocking in your area, choose outfits that distinguish you from them. Choose a style or look that makes people remember you. The people in my area know me by my look.

A common question new agents ask is, should I dress up?

As I suggested earlier, it’s important to stand out. That often means looking sharp. In an upper end area, as a female agent, you could choose a beautiful blazer and skirt or a dress. A male agent could wear nice pants, nice shoes and a shirt. Overall, you want to choose your style according to the community you are visiting. 

You want your choices to be relatable to the clothing choices of the people you’ll be having conversations with. You want to match your area. For example, if you are knocking on luxury homes, heels with a suit is a good idea for a female agent. Fitting in is more important than showing off. That means sometimes you will also want to dress down. If everyone in the community is super relaxed and wearing UGGs and leisure attire in the evenings, you may not want to show up in a pencil skirt and a silk blouse. In that case, your style could intimidate your prospect. You don’t want to appear so “out of their league” that they feel they couldn’t hire you. 

People often have in mind the types of people they’re comfortable doing business with. Someone answering the door may shorten the conversation or pull back when you are dressed on another level than them. One of my go-to door knocking outfits is actually a casual professional look. I’ll often wear  stylish black jeans and a nice black top, sometimes with my signature collar. This way, I can blend into most communities while still looking polished and professional. A male agent might choose a polo shirt and pants as a go-to outfit. 

I know I said earlier that you want to stand out. And you do. But part of door knocking mastery is finding that fine balance that allows you to stand out while also fitting in. 

As a side note, if a person gives your outfit a look of disapproval, don’t take it personally. It says more about them than it does about you. You don’t want to connect with them as a prospect if they are already judging you based on your outfit).

Let’s talk for a moment about shoes.

Avoid wearing any shoes you find it hard to walk in. Your shoes need to carry you quite a few steps and the wrong shoes can kill your feet! Trust me, I know! Also make sure your shoes match your look. And they must be comfortable and clean. 

If you are not knocking in a high end area, it is sometimes okay to wear casual shoes such as sneakers. Just be sure it works with your look. These types of shoes aren’t as professional but they are functional.  So, people will understand your choice of look.

Branded clothing is another possible look strategy. 

If you have the resources, branded clothing is a fun way to stand out. For example, you can wear a custom t-shirt while knocking that clearing identifies your brokerage. This is especially fun when you’re knocking together as a team in an area. You’ll get noticed for your group’s cohesive look. I’ve done this with my team and it has always been effective at getting attention. 

There are a few other important considerations when preparing your overall door knocking look.

  • It is not acceptable to wear sunglasses or a hat at the door. It disguises your look and can be perceived as rude. 
  • Shorts are generally too casual, even if it is warm out. Female agents can wear skirts but males should always wear pants. 
  • Tattoos should be covered. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with them. However, trust me when I tell you it affected lead conversion. For the purpose of prospecting and first impressions, it’s best to keep them covered. Clients have straight up asked me why I hired someone with tattoos.
  • Unfortunately, tattoos can lead to pre-judgments. That blocks the prospect from getting to know you. They lose interest before they find out about the great value you are bringing them. Underneath your tattoo, you are an amazing agent and you want them to see that. After you build rapport with them, your tattoos can be visible. You won’t always have to hide them. It’s just a strategy to consider the first time you meet at the door. You don’t want anything to block your chance of engaging the prospect. 

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